Health promotion

Health promotion generally relates to measures that contribute towards improving and strengthening people's health potential, with the focus here being on health-preserving factors. Health promotion is also an issue (among others) for employers, as the findings from Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz show that 30% of the workforce is having to cope with a greater workload than the resources allocated to them allow. In addition, employee stress is costing employers in Switzerland CHF 7.6 billion in lost productivity.

Benefits of health promotion for companies:

  • Improve job satisfaction
  • Raise employee motivation
  • Reduce absence costs
  • Increase productivity
  • Bolster employee loyalty


Topics that might interest you:

Mental health

The term «mental health» tends to have negative connotations and is primarily associated with acute isolated cases and private causes. However, adverse mental health can also be caused by factors stemming from one's professional environment. These factors may include an employee's work and company organisation, as well as spatial contexts and their social relationships, having unfavourable attributes and characteristics. Responsibility for eradicating these detrimental factors falls squarely on the shoulders of the company. Those companies that take a preventative approach and support employees in dealing with challenging professional situations will be the ones creating the conditions required for increasing work performance, motivation and employee loyalty.

Promoting mental health in SMEs (German)

Publications on mental health (German)

Occupational health management

Occupational health management (OHM) is the systematic optimisation of relevant factors for health within a company. OHM adapts structures and processes within a company in order to create favourable conditions for the health of employees, thereby contributing to the success of that company.

OHM fundamentals and studies (German)

Providing the effectiveness of OHM measures (German)

New Work

The working world is changing. Agile working, home offices, flat hierarchies, new platform economies, big data and artificial intelligence are the issues currently on companies' minds. With all this change, however, the mental health of employees may become neglected. Why? Because employee satisfaction is based on the three basic needs of competence, connection and autonomy. All three of these needs are affected by change.

Tools and tips on the topic of New Work (German)

Offers relating to home office working (German)

Our partner

Together with Gesundheitsförderung Schweiz, we are committed to raising participants' awareness of the topic of mental health (stress) and to expanding health promotion in the workplace.

Promote the health of your employees and get them moving with B2Run!